Vision & Mission


SPECIAL ADVISOR:-   HAJI ABDUL AZIZ VALI SB. Managing Trustee-Darul Uloom Matliwala,Bharuch,Gujrat. Trustee-The Matliwala Family Charitable Trust, Preston,UK

Secretary of the Organization:    Firoz Uddin Mohammad Shafi BA (Hon’s),B.Ed-MA( Hist & Bengali),M.Ed-MBA(Human Resources),Ph.D(Appeared)


CNSWF vision is essentially a aim setting for all foundation, which is designed to align and inspire the people in an organization (principally and crucially those who work for it). It should be concise, easily understood and stirring. Vision statements vary in length and content. One of the best known was the vision statement for CNSWF:

“stop illiteracy”

Create supports within poor student

Encourage outreach efforts into disadvantaged communities

Improve access to education

Make it an obligation to receive incentives or supports


To active the people to take responsibility for the situation of the underprivileged Indian child and so encaurge them to seek resolution through individual and collective action thereby enabling underprivileged children to realise their full potential through proper education

To make student discover their potential for action and change the habit for future life.