Kind Co-operation with Matliwala Family Charitable Trust & Others welfare organization in India and Abroad.
1. Help to Poor Widow.
2. Help to Orphan Children.
3. Ration (Food) distribution Programme among the poor & Helpless People.
3. Eftar Kit distribution Programme among the Poor & Helpless People.
5. Tubewell boring for drinking water supply.
6.Tailoring Machine distribute among the people for self-employment.
7.Wheel-chair distribute among the poor Handicapped people.
8.Ozukhana for Masjid.
9.Toilet & Bathroom.
10. Clothes & Blanket distribute among the poor people.
11.Prayer Hall & Masjid construction.
12.Relief activities (On behalf of The Matliwala Family Charitable Trust & Others ) In the time of “Ayla” cyclone and “Amphun” cyclone AND “Covid-19” pandemic period.